Backside kickturns, thanks to Knof and Hagen we have the possibility to do them, indoor very close to Salzburg, thank you very much for that! Nico is celebrating his 12th Birthday today – happy Birthday, young man! On Saturday last week, he redeemed his Birthday voucher and went skating together with his brother and me. It was so much fun and the boys are talented and motivated! That motivates me to give something back of what has given me so much: SKATEBOARDING! 

When was the last time you did a Backside Kickturn? Nico made his first one on Saturday and I had the privilege to be a part of it. How awesome is that?! In my life, I’ve probably done X-thousand backside kickturns and it never gets boring! It just gets better, and that’s why I’d like you to pick up a skateboard and start riding it! I’d love to help you 🙂

Here’s a little clip of us skating (thank you mama Claudine for filming and photographing)

Nico ball skate