Julia interviews Johnny for her Skateboard Birthday Party


Our coach Johnny gave Julia 9 an Interview concerning the theme skateboard Birthday party Hi Johnny! How’s it going, Julia? Superb thanks, I’ll ask you my first question right away, OK? Sure! Skateboard Birthday parties are surely only for boys, right? No way. Our skateboard parties are for anyone who likes action and movement and […]

Happy Birthday PORR – celebrating with the PORR Family

Skateboardkurs Parkour für Firmenfeste

Happy Birthday PORR There are those phone calls, giving you an invite you to an appointment that lets your heart beat a little faster. One of those calls reached us earlier this year. „We’re celebrating our company anniversary with our staff and you were recommended to us. We expect a few children, (there were about 100), […]



JohnDino was born in the deep forests of Sweden. Now emigrated, this special dino creature has found his new home in Austria. When he’s not rolling and jumping around on his skateboard, you’ll find him practicing magic tricks or juggling. Or he might be chilling on the couch, eating licorice and getting inspiration on YouTube. The […]

Backside kickturns


Backside kickturns, thanks to Knof and Hagen we have the possibility to do them, indoor very close to Salzburg, thank you very much for that! Nico is celebrating his 12th Birthday today – happy Birthday, young man! On Saturday last week, he redeemed his Birthday voucher and went skating together with his brother and me. […]

Do more of what you love!


Do you know that feeling when somebody wants to help you fulfill your dream? That’s an awesome feeling. As I started working for Cleverly I was pretty blue-eyed concerning all the work happening before and around all the cool events. I still have blue eyes though (by nature). But by now I definitely know that […]